Les mardis francophiles

You want to be part of a community to practice speaking?

You want to overcome your shyness and fear of speaking?

You want to practice speaking more fluently?

Join les mardis francophiles , the new conversation workshop to feel at ease in French!

Les mardis francophiles are for you if:

Thanks to the Les mardis francophiles you will:

Need more informations ?
Read this!

Les mardis francophiles is a 1-hour conversation workshop on a specific theme every
Tuesday at 11AM.
Here are the modalities:

From level A2
In small groups: maximum 5 people
Every Tuesday at 11AM (Quebec time) or 5PM (Paris time)
A caring environment
For the pack of 4 workshops + Access to a Discord community
Online : on Zoom

Ok, that's good, but what are we going to talk about?

We will cover various topics such as: travel, love, art, money, stereotypes… We will discuss interesting and simple themes to be able to express ourselves easily in French! You can do it 😉

Workshop dates: every Tuesday at 11 AM (Quebec time).

How does it work?

You still have questions ?
I'll answer them!

Of course! You can choose to sign up for only one workshop if you want. But don’t forget that the 4 workshop pack will give you access to a Discord community and will be cheaper per hour.

This is a group workshop, there is no possibility to move or make up the workshop you did not attend.

These are independent conversation workshops so you will not have any homework. However, I will send you a document with vocabulary and grammar before each workshop to prepare you for the discussion.

You can prepare yourself with the help of the handout I will send you before the workshop. You can read it before the workshop and work with it.

You can participate in this workshop from level A2.

Send me a message on Instagram or an courriel and we’ll set up a discussion to see what your level is.

Chaque atelier dure 1 heure. Nous discutons tous ensemble de manière informelle sur le thème du jour et à partir d’une vidéo. Pendant l’atelier, je prends des notes que je t’enverrai après pour que tu gardes une trace de notre discussion.

You can register by clicking on this link.

If you buy all 4 workshops at once you get access to a Discord community.

A Discord community is a chat group with other students and the teacher where you can :

– Ask questions to the teacher 5 days a week
– Discuss the themes of the month with other students and the teacher
– Receive a challenge in French once a week

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